SCC 'Reclaim Our Vote' Postcarding Campaign

From now until November, SCC will AGAIN be joining a national network of United Church of Christ congregations and local partner organization Common Ground/'Reclaim Our Vote' for a voter outreach postcarding campaign. This is a NONPARTISAN effort to personally reach out to communities with low voter turnout or who have been targeted by voter suppression tactics. 

Interested? See FAQ Below:

What is 'The Center for Common Ground' Reclaim our Vote Campaign? 

The Reclaim Our Vote Campaign was officially launched in 2018 by the Center for Common Ground of Virginia, a 501(c)3 organization. Since late 2017, the nonpartisan Reclaim Our Vote campaign has reached out to nearly a million voters of color in states like Georgia, Alabama, Virginia, Texas, Florida, and Mississippi—states with a long history of voter suppression. This year, Reclaim Our Vote plans to expand its volunteer base and work towards a 20 percent increase in turnout among voters of color in at least four states and a significant percentage increase in others. 

I'm interested. What do I need to do? 

All interested volunteers should contact Rev. Joya ( for a brief orientation. Once you are signed up, you will receive - by snail mail, personal drop off, or pick up - an amount of pre-labeled postcards. You will then hand-write a personal message on each postcard. Stamp it. And drop it in the mail. It's that simple!

What is the timeline for this campaign?

ROV's first postcard campaigns of the year begin NOW for Georgia Congressional primaries and March 1 for Virginia Congressional primaries. And this will be an ONGOING ministry project from now until the November elections. Just contact Rev. Joya to work out the details. Thanks for considering this important ministry opportunity!


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